2020, the year "everyone" was homeschooled.

With the internet flooded with new-to-homeschooling parents who have important questions and really want to see the nuts and bolts of how it works for other families so they can get a vision for their homeschool and confidence to take the leap, I'm finding myself answering the same questions over and over on various platforms. It may be time to finally put it all down in one place. :) I hope something here is helpful in encouraging you in your homeschool journey.
*I'm a Christian and much of the curriculum I use reflects this.
*If I refer to the reader as a 'mother' it's because the instigator and perpetuator of homeschooling is more often a mother, but the information shared will likely be helpful to homeschooling fathers as well.
*By continuing to use the site you consent to Blogspot/Blogger's use of cookies.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Teaching Preschoolers

If you haven't read my post on why preschool is a thing in the first place, you might be interested in checking that out before reading further. Sometimes people think they *need* to do preschool with their little ones in the same way we *need* to teach an older child division, or their child will be "behind." When you have a classroom with a lot of students, you need to make sure they are all as close as possible to the same in terms of development and education because it's hard to move forward to the next lesson if many are still struggling with the previous lesson. That's what Pre and K are for. They are to try to get the stragglers up to speed so they don't hold the class back. 

However at home, ideally the mother will nurture her child naturally rather than trying to speed them up or slow them down to match other children. Ideally at home a child can be educated as a whole human being, different from other human beings and with a unique approach to the world. Rather than beginning their education from a place of trying to calibrate them to match, we should begin by meeting the child where they are at and helping them to grow and thrive based on themselves and not on other people. 

If you're new to homeschooling, there are a couple things you need to 'throw away' from your thought process right away. Think of these things as social conditioning or brainwashing and you're about to throw them off like unlocked shackles so you can walk the homeschooling path freely. 

1. Your child is not behind. Behind what? Behind whom? They are not in a race, this is not a large school with a class that needs everyone to be at the same level. Your child should each year be ahead of where he himself was last year, and that's the only thing that counts. Thus if your child is ready to read at 2, teach him. If he's not ready to read until he's 9, teach him what he is ready for and wait him to be ready for the rest. I know this is somewhat more challenging in states where yearly testing is required. Which is why I strongly encourage you to advocate for and vote for the freedom to homeschool without interference from the creators of government schools, because that freedom is the key to those shackles. Stepping out of the classroom means nothing if you're still required to follow the classroom rules. Do your best with the laws you've got, and vote for freedom every chance you get. 

2. This isn't public school. Leave the public school environment at the public school. Do not duplicate it in your home. By doing so you are replacing something organic and wholesome with something that has a lot of issues. If it didn't have issues you don't want (even if those issues in your mind are only the ones related to the virus this year) then your child would be there instead of home. And this includes "preschool" as a means of calibrating your child to match other children. Your child is not other children. Make your home/school/space customized to your child and not to mimic a classroom environment. 

Now assuming you've freed yourself from those two shackles, let's talk preschool! :) 

You taught baby to use a spoon, use the toilet, chew with her lips closed, say please and thank you, walk, run, ride a bike... Preschool and beyond are a lot like that. It's not something that requires a curriculum or a lot of time lesson planning. It doesn't take workbooks and a tiny school desk and chair and a whiteboard or chalkboard. 

It can, but it doesn't have to. Usually you just teach preschool the same way you taught everything else so far. 

The same way you heard baby say, mumumumum and repeated back to her a bunch of times, "That's right, say Mama! Say Mama! Mama loves you! Mama!" 

The same way you tried 43 books, dvd's, and programs to teach toilet use, and finally wound up saying, "Look Sweetie, the diapers are going bye-bye today. I've tried everything else and this is my last ditch effort. Work with me here."

The same way when your tot saw a kite and hollered in excitement you bought a kite and showed him how to run and fly it, helped him get it high in the sky and hold tight to the string so it doesn't escape. 

So preschool is the same: Look at the road construction sign. It says S-L-O-W! It says B-U-M-P! What color is the vest she's wearing? Orange! What color are the flowers on the tree? Pink! Show me your toes! Awesome, now let's put your sock on. Do you see the pretty bee? We can't pet a bee but we can see how pretty they are! What is the bee drinking? What is the yellow dust on the flower? It's pollen! Look here, it's a caterpillar. Did you know a caterpillar is a baby butterfly? 

Teaching moments. Every day is a series of teaching moments and sometimes you'll miss them and think later about what you "should have" said, and sometimes you'll recognize it in the moment and you'll tell them something about whatever they are showing interest in and it will stick. It will stick a million times better than if they saw it in a book, I can tell you from experience. When I was a tot, a child, a teen, my dad would always grab the teaching moments. He'd explain things, stop working to answer my questions, and to this day I remember those lessons far more clearly than the ones I learned from books. 

One time when I was about 2, small enough to crouch under a dining chair, it was after supper and Mom was washing dishes. The door was open to the screen storm door because it was so hot inside, but there was a lightning storm and I was scared. Dad got home late to find me under the chair crying. Mom was tired and asked him to explain lightning to me. He looked at her like she was crazy and said a baby can't understand lightning, but he tried anyway. He took me with him to the door and told me that it was static in the sky, zooming so fast that it made a loud sound, and he told me more and more and I still recall every word. Nitrates. Electricity. Heat expansion. Sound barrier. I drank it in, one eye nervously on the sky. We counted the miles - one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand... 

From then on, he explained everything to me as though I could understand it, even if he wasn't sure if I really could. He grabbed ahold of those teaching moments and every one of them left a mark on who I am today. Lessons, education, but ones that I enjoyed and remembered and recall with fondness. 

Little ones can understand a lot more than we think. The biggest part of homeschooling a preschooler is to keep them nearby and tell them about things. Talk to them and answer their 479 questions a minute as well as you can. Involve them in what you're doing. They LOVE to help with whatever you are doing. Are you doing laundry? They feel so big and helpful if you hand them the wet clothes and they put them in the dryer and close the door. Let them put away the flatware and praise them like crazy. Have them stir while you add ingredients when baking. Chores in older kids build character, chores for a little tot though, if they can do them alongside you, are a source of self-satisfaction and a form of play for them. If they're willing to help, it's a teaching moment. 

Count everything and point out every letter. If they can say a number or letter before you, praise them like crazy! If they want to practice writing, let them try to trace or copy their name. If you write it with a highlighter it makes a good tracing line. But keep in mind that littles don't have much hand strength. Their hand bones haven't fused yet; inside their little hands are to a degree "incomplete," so I don't require too much in the way of writing. It's hard for them to even hold a pencil correctly (tiny hands, long skinny pencil) but also important not to let them get too far into a bad habit of holding it wrong, so make them hold it right but don't have them write for long at a time. 

Non-academic education by approximate age (go by what your kid is ready for): 

1 to 2 years
-Most kids are still putting everything in their mouth so I don't give PlayDoh usually, but I had 2 kids who stopped tasting everything around 18 months so those two I let do it. 
-Baby dolls are great for boys and girls for empathy and social development if proper treatment of babies is demonstrated by adults and the little ones can mimic it with the dolls. 
-Wooden toy cars and trains made with nontoxic paint.
-Giant wooden lacing beads (too big to fit in mouths) - you can use large empty spools from thread with the papers peeled off as well. 
-Bowls and spoons- the noisier the more fun. 
-Scholastic Petting Farm book & DVD - hear and see cute farm animals. 

2 to 3 years 
Same as above, plus 
-There's a company that makes toys from recycled milk jugs. My children love their little tea sets- so thick and sturdy, sized for tiny hands, and can be used for real chamomile tea and cheerios or crackers for a fun snack. Great for developing pouring skills. 
-Melissa & Doug toys. 
-Lauri toys. 
-Save those big sheets of packing paper and empty cardboard boxes to let them scribble on with crayons. 
-Busy books. (They might not be interested in those yet or they might like them sooner.) 
-Toddler-safe pull-back toy cars. 

3 to 4 years 
Same as above, plus 
-Crayola mess-free Color Wonder coloring books. 
-Dress up clothes and costumes. 
-My current 3 year old hasn't put non-food in his mouth for YEARS so I don't stop him from playing with his older brother's LEGOs if big bro doesn't mind. YMMV - know your kid. He's often talking big bro into lending him whatever cool contraption he's made, and then accidentally disassembling it and returning it for fixing many times. 
-Schleich animals!! Many 3 year olds LOOOOVE to have collections of little figurines in their pockets or carried in their chubby little fists all day long. Some of my youngest's favorite things to carry around all day are his little Schleich animals. 
-Small empty plastic containers in which to keep their collections of random little things. 

Academic+ by ability/age (again, go by what your child is ready for.) :

3-4 years or willing to attempt to follow directions, trace a line, or connect two dots 
>Study Time About Three workbooks. From an Amish publisher - the illustrations are so sweet and old-fashioned. Do one page a few times a week, give or take, don't rush. If they don't want to, put it away for a month and then try again. [I didn't know about this with my firstborn and don't remember using it for my secondborn, but I used it for kiddos #3, 4, 5, and #6 is using it now.] 
>IF your child is begging to read and seems ready, you can try Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. I suggest you do 1 lesson per day and repeat that lesson the next day and the next until it becomes easy before moving to the next lesson. I also suggest that for a child under 5 years old you do not do the writing practice portions unless the child requests it. Your child will probably be reading before they get halfway through the book. [I have never finished the whole book with any of my kids but all of my kids have done at least 20 lessons of it, except my youngest who has so far done 2.] 
>IF you want a whole-curriculum approach you could look into My Father's World. (Only do a whole curriculum if you have a child who keeps asking you all day to make them worksheets and assignments. If you put a curriculum onto a very young child who doesn't want to, you squash their desire to learn and set a precedent of them hating school.) [I have used and still use My Father's World for Kindergarten since my firstborn was 5, but I have not used their preschools since I feel it is more developmentally appropriate to keep the schooling very short and have them play outside most of the day or work alongside me off and on.]

4-5 years or questioning "what does this say?" about letters/words, attempting to count higher than 5 
>Rod & Staff ABCDEF workbooks. From a Mennonite publisher. Use the Bible Story Book and the matching coloring book (B) once or twice a week, and the others go in alphabetical order starting at A and do about 2 pages a day (1 on Bible/coloring-book-day). Sit next to the child to make sure they are holding their pencil correctly and are following the directions. Once the pages are completed, I will walk away to help my older kids and allow the little one to color the pictures on just the completed pages. Some children do not have the restraint to limit themselves to only coloring the images on the pages they have done and will color on whatever they please, in which case I allow them to pick ONE picture to color while I stay with them and then the book is put up- they aren't left unattended with it. 
>Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons. See previous section. Pick up where you left off last year, or begin it if your child is just now ready for it. You could use this with the Rod & Staff ABCDEF workbooks above, or just use one or the other, but I wouldn't use it in combination with either of the following. 
>IF you want a whole curriculum (see my notes on that in previous section), again My Father's World has preschool packages which I have not tried. Here is the one for 4's. 
>A phonics-only option is Easy Peasy. Here is the preschool. It teaches the alphabet through the school year, and then instructs you to go through the summer using the McGuffey Primer to teach sight reading before beginning Kindergarten, then phonics later. I am opposed to teaching sight reading first and believe children will be stronger readers in the long run if they are taught phonics first, so I do not use this one. Please look up research on phonics vs. sight reading and decide for yourself if you will begin this way. 

5-6 years or recognizing some letters, counts at least to 10, shows interest in doing seatwork 
>My Father's World has the sweetest Kindergarten which is what I have used with every one of my kids. Many people complain of it being "too light" but it'a actually developmentally appropriate for a 5 or 6 year old child. The curriculums that people are thinking of when they say MFW K is "too light" are actually not developmentally appropriate - they are too time consuming and intense to be appropriate for a child below 1st grade. MFW K is gentle, but gentle isn't weak. The kids learn well and because it's taught gently they actually retain it better. Because 1st grade is such a step-up as far as how hard it is and how much work it is, some people do 2 years of Kindergarten, which they may call them both Kindergarten or they may call whichever they do first by Pre-5 or Preschool or something else. My Father's World K is gentle enough to do this with if you have an almost-5 year old or young 5 year old and want to do K for 2 years to give them more time to mature (and for their hand strength to develop) before 1st. I've heard of homeschoolers who intend to use Abeka from K on (Abeka being a more rigorous and in my opinion often too much, program) actually use the MFW K as preschool and then go into Abeka. 
>Rod & Staff GHIJKL workbooks. From a Mennonite publisher - since they don't do Kindergarten, this "preschool" is actually what functions as the Kindergarten for the Rod & Staff curriculum. Since it's gentle, in workbook format, and you would have the child do only 2 pages per day, it's also ideal for a "one of two years" Kindergarten, of which you may wish to term the first year another year of Preschool. 
>Another option for K if you chose to do Easy Peasy Preschool phonics and the sight reading over the summer would be to continue with their Kindergarten, which says it teaches phonics in addition to continuing the sight words from before. I tried it over this past summer with my two youngest girls and found it rather bland and disorganized. I wound up picking out the math and not using the "phonics." (Actually I never got to any phonics. Whatever it was I was looking through just seemed like more sight words. When it was the same after a couple weeks, that was the end of my perusal.) We were only doing it for 6 weeks for summer break (to keep them fresh so they didn't forget things) and I admittedly wasn't paying enough attention at the time to have an opinion on whether it would make a good "advanced preschool" or "one of two years of K." 

Whatever you wind up doing or not doing for whatever years of "preschool" you do, keep in mind that once they start 1st grade they can never again just spend their days free without a thought of school and without a paper and pencil calling them back to study. Once they start 1st grade they have 12 grades and then college and then work/marriage/parenthood and they never get that time back to just play and be little. So for now, no matter how ready they are, remember to prioritize keeping it light and fun so they still have plenty of time to play without the worries of a student. If they are advanced and need to do some academics, you know best, don't let anyone talk you into ignoring that need. But also don't let yourself feel burdened that you have to do a full curriculum, all subjects, every day, or for great lengths of time. 10-20 minutes a day for a preschooler is plenty and there's nothing that says if it's a busy week you can't just take off doing any academics with your preschooler. Less is more. Stay flexible, stay open to changes. You'll do fine, and your preschooler too. 

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