2020, the year "everyone" was homeschooled.

With the internet flooded with new-to-homeschooling parents who have important questions and really want to see the nuts and bolts of how it works for other families so they can get a vision for their homeschool and confidence to take the leap, I'm finding myself answering the same questions over and over on various platforms. It may be time to finally put it all down in one place. :) I hope something here is helpful in encouraging you in your homeschool journey.
*I'm a Christian and much of the curriculum I use reflects this.
*If I refer to the reader as a 'mother' it's because the instigator and perpetuator of homeschooling is more often a mother, but the information shared will likely be helpful to homeschooling fathers as well.
*By continuing to use the site you consent to Blogspot/Blogger's use of cookies.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Preschool for 4y/o at Birch Grove School [2020-21]

I only do seatwork with children before Kindergarten if they are asking for it, and certainly not when the weather is perfect for playing outside. You can find a general overview by age HERE and my philosophy on "preschool" in general HERE and HERE

Mr. Squishkin is 4 now, very interested in "doing schoolwork" for reasonable amounts of time, and has the attention span to complete 2-4 pages or 10-20 minutes worth of paper school in one sitting. He doesn't have good hand strength or coordination in either hand, but worse in his right. The reason is that his right arm was dislocated at birth (HUGE baby, midwife said she was shocked his collar bone didn't break!) and he didn't have full use of it back until he was 6 weeks old so he uses his left hand more. I think he's not naturally left handed so that's why he's not so great at that one either. The weather is cold right now in the mountains, with lots of January rain and snow. It's been winter-weather for a couple months now and the fun has worn off. Then new Christmas toys from a month ago are starting to be less exciting. It's a perfect time to do some preschool! 

Here's what he is/will be working on: 
•Rod & Staff ABCDEF (and GHIJKL if we get to them) workbooks - Colors, shapes, counting, coordination, following directions, tracing, basic stroke and letter formation... working up to coloring in the lines, writing letters and numbers, and learning about animals and their habitats. 
•Lauri Puzzles & Play Doh - for hand strength and coordination and visual distinguishing. 
•Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons minus the writing - I actually started a few lessons with him last year but it fell by the wayside for a while somehow. 
•On occasions when I'm busy but he's begging to do school and my 10 year old is begging to teach him, I'm going to let them do EasyPeasy Phonics

He's basically doing the same things as his siblings before him did at this age, but I'm encouraging more options for building hand strength considering his particular need in that area. 

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Math At Birch Grove Homeschool (2022-23 edition)

An overview of how we do Math here.  PRESCHOOL  Math before Kindergarten basically amounts to "counting everything." Constantly as...